Who We Are
Our Mission Statement
The Mission of Clark Regional Wastewater District is “Providing customer-focused, professional wastewater services in an environmentally and financially responsible manner.”
Our Vision
The Vision of Clark Regional Wastewater District is to be “An active partner in Clark County, to support economic development and to manage and protect water resources.”
Our Values
The Values of Clark Regional Wastewater District are “SERVICE”:
S | Safe and healthy workplace for all employees. |
E | Employees who are talented and motivated professionals that work together in a spirit of cooperation and with respect for all individuals. |
R | Responsibility, integrity, and fairness in managing the environmental and financial resources entrusted to the District. |
V | Valued partner involved and active within our community. |
I | Innovation and learning, creating an environment of personal and professional growth. |
C | Communication that is active, open, honest, and timely. |
E | Efficient and effective solutions that meet the needs of our customers and our community. |
Our Strategic Objectives
The Strategic Objectives of Clark Regional Wastewater District are:
Planning: “Establish the future direction of the District; its purpose and vision in support of its stakeholders’ needs”
Partnership: “Strengthening existing and building new partnerships within our local public agencies”
Outreach: “Enhancing public awareness and education of the District and its services”
Culture: “Instilling the Mission, Vision and Values into the culture of the District”
Effectiveness: “Improving the core business processes to allow the District to efficiently and effectively meet the current and future needs of its stakeholders”