Clark Regional Wastewater District

Providing customer-focused, professional wastewater services in an environmentally and financially responsible manner.

Rates & Charges

Your sewer service rates and charges ensures that the District can continue to protect public health and safeguard water quality by efficiently and effectively collecting, conveying, and treating our wastewater. Each day the District collects approximately 7 to 8 million gallons of sewage. This comes from roughly 25,500 homes and 1,500 businesses over a roughly 47 square-mile service area. The service charge is necessary for the District to provide you with a high level of reliable and professional service across three core areas:

  • Operations & Maintenance
  • Restoration & Replacement
  • Administration & Customer Service

The rate a customer will pay is dependent upon where you are located. The District has multiple service areas, or “tiers”, which have different costs for the District to provide service in the area. Therefore the rates and charges do vary depending on the area. Information, including maps, for each of these areas is provided below.

2024 Monthly Rates

Tier 1: Central Service Area

Tributary to Westside Treatment Plant

Service Area
Historic Hazel Dell and Lakeshore Area

Base Monthly Rate


Total Monthly Charge

System Development Charge

Tier 2: Central Service Area

Tributary to Salmon Creek Treatment Plant

Service Area
Felida, Salmon Creek, Fairgrounds, Mt Vista, Orchards, Brush Prairie, etc. including the satellite service areas of Hockinson and Meadow Glade

Base Monthly Rate


Total Monthly Charge

System Development Charge

Vancouver City Limits

City Interlocal Fee

Total Monthly Charge

Battle Ground City Limits

City Utility Tax

Total Monthly Charge

Tier 3: Ridgefield Service Area

Old Town Ridgefield, Ridgefield junction, and all flows originating in the City of Ridgefield

Base Monthly Rate


System Integration Charge


City Operating Fee


Total Monthly Charge


System Development Charge


Tier 4

Service Area
Urban Holding Area/179th St./Fairgrounds

Base Monthly Rate


Total Monthly Charge

System Development Charge

Service Rate

The District is committed to providing service at a stable and low rate. In fact, the District rate, sewer service charge, is one of the lowest in the County and state. Our stable and low rate history is reflective of our commitment to financial management. Our mission is not only to provide professional wastewater service, but to do so in a financially and environmentally responsible manner.

Sewer Rate Comparison

System Development Charge

The District is also committed to providing a competitive System Development Charge (SDC), often referred to as connection fees or connection charges. An SDC represents the charge that is paid at the time of connection for every new equivalent residential unit (ERU) added to the system. Revenue collected from SDC payments helps to fund the capital improvements needed to expand the system. Maintaining competitive SDC’s is critical for helping increase economic activity in the area, meaning growth in our rate base. This is important to all our customers because a larger rate base is one of the most important factors to maintaining stable and low rates. SDC’s in the Historic Hazel Dell Area (Tier 1) continue to be the lowest in the County.

The district calculates ERUs in accordance with District Code 5.28.020. Or please contact Engineering for a Connection Fee Quote call us at 360‑993‑8812.

Sewer Connection Charge Comparison
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