Contractors are the underground contractors, plumbers, and homebuilders who are actually building or constructing the improvements. They typically schedule the pre-construction conference, and manage the project through inspection and construction acceptance.
The preconstruction conference is held either at the District office or onsite, depending on the complexity of the project. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that the contractor understands all of the requirements of the project.

Click the headings below for more details.
Prior to scheduling the conference, the Contractor must have:
- Liability insurance
- A copy of the 2020 Design Manual
- A Right of Way Utility permit, if required.
These must be satisfied or completed before the preconstruction conference can be scheduled.
During construction, the District inspects the mainline installation and oversees the testing of the sewer mains and manholes. Contractor must contact District to schedule testing.
Upon completion of the installation, main line must be inspected via CCTV. Contractor can choose to have the District or an approved Private TV contractor perform the CCTV inspection. The results of the inspection must be submitted to the District for review and approval. District inspector will provide the contractor with a punch list of items that need to be corrected; the sewer system is surveyed and pre pave record drawings are prepared by the Engineer and submitted for approval. Other steps in the process:
- Once pre-pave record drawings are approved, contractor is released to finish paving.
- Final record drawings are shot to acquire actual finish grade of the rim elevation of all manholes and appurtenances.
- The physical acceptance letter will be issued.
- Contact the District to schedule removal of the sewer plug.
- Sewer plug deposit will be refunded, if applicable.
Side Sewer Inspections
Requests for inspections can be taken only after the complete connection to the sewer line is made and before the trench is backfilled. Inspections will be done within 24 hours of the request. You may email or call 360-993-8836 24 hours per day/7days a week to schedule an inspection.
Private TV Inspection Requests
For Private TV Inspections, the Clark Regional Wastewater District requires a 2 working day notice to allow time to coordinate the schedule of the District Inspector.
This two (2) day process begins when notice is received by the District, provided that the project is ready (including all inspection, channeling, etc.)
District TV Inspection Requests
The Clark Regional Wastewater District requires a 5 working day notice to allow time to schedule the District Maintenance crews.
This five (5) day process begins when notice is received by the District, provided that the project is ready (including all inspection, channeling, etc.)
- What do I need to do to schedule the Preconstruction Conference?
Before scheduling the conference, the District requires four sets of signed plans, a copy of your liability insurance certificate, and the Right-of-Way permit, if applicable. You must also have a copy of the District’s Design Manual. - Where can I find sewer record drawings for a particular area?
The District maintains an archive containing information on the sewer system in our service area. Please contact the Engineering department via email or phone and we will assist you. - I am a home builder. How do I obtain a sewer permit?
Bring a copy of the building permit and a check for the connection and permit fees to the District office located at 8000 NE 52nd Court. To verify the connection fees, please contact the Engineering department via email via email or phone. - I am repairing a private sewer. Do I need to obtain a sewer permit?
You must obtain a modification permit anytime you are modifying an existing sewer line that is outside of the building. In addition, if there are any changes of the use of the building, additional connection fees may be required.