An Important Investment in Clark County’s Future

The NE 20th Avenue Sewer Pipeline project will install just over a half mile of new 30-inch diameter sewer pipe in NE 20th Avenue between NE 139th Street and NE 154th Street.

This project is needed to support planned future growth and economic development in the District’s service area. We anticipate construction to begin this fall and be complete in summer of 2023. Construction was originally anticipated to begin this spring, but was delayed to this fall due to disruptions to global supply chains.

This investment in new sewer infrastructure will provide continued reliable and effective service for our customers for at least another 50 years, while at the same time protecting public health and the environment.

Construction Impacts

Construction to install the sewer will use open-cut excavation methods, which consists of digging a trench, laying pipe, and backfilling. Careful planning is taking place to minimize impacts to local businesses and the travelling public. Sewer service will be maintained during construction.

What to expect during construction:

  • Construction of the sewer pipeline will impact businesses, residents, and the travelling public along NE 20th Avenue and parts of NE 139th Street (i.e., at the intersection NE 20th Avenue and NE 139th Street).
  • The District is committed to maintaining regular and consistent communication with affected businesses and residents to minimize and mitigate the impacts of construction.
  • More information will be provided regarding anticipated construction impacts as construction progresses.
NE 20th Avenue Sewer Pipeline project
NE 20th Avenue Sewer Pipeline project


Final design plans are complete and all necessary permits and easements have been obtained. Rotschy Inc. has been publicly awarded the construction contract for the NE 20th Avenue Sewer Project. Construction is expected to begin in Fall 2022 and finish in Summer 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the headings below for more details.

The project should be complete within nine months of starting construction.

Construction is expected to start at the intersection of NE 139th St and NE 20th Ave and will proceed in a Northerly direction.

Roadway restoration work and landscaping will take place after construction of the pipeline and is expected begin in May 2023 and finish in July 2023.

  • Expect traffic impacts during construction along NE 20th Ave and parts of NE 139th Street.
  • Work will generally occur in the daytime and be located in the center of the roadway, maintaining an open lane of traffic in both directions.
  • There will be some day-time closures of the center turn lane and adjacent travel lane(s). Isolated night-time lane closures will intermittently limit access to Albertsons’ north parking lot entrance.
  • Access to Walgreens’ drive through pharmacy will remain open.
  • Construction along NE 139th Street is expected to last 1-2 weeks.
  • Construction is proposed to be completed at night, with traffic lanes reopening each morning.
  • Access restrictions are necessary for the safety of the public when work is occurring in the area and are expected to last only a short amount of time. Specific impacts will depend upon the location of your property.
  • Pedestrian and vehicle travel along NE 20th Avenue and NE 139th Street will be maintained at all times. However, during installation of the pipeline, driveways, and vehicle turns may be restricted to accommodate installation of the new pipeline.
  • Access to Walgreen’s pharmacy drive through will remain open throughout construction.
  • Regular and consistent communication will occur with affected businesses.

Existing services will remain in operation while the new pipe is constructed; however, short service interruptions may be required to reconnect service to the new pipeline.

Any parking impacts will be specifically addressed with property owners prior to construction.

The new sewer pipeline will provide long-term capacity that supports planned growth in Clark County and the City of Ridgefield.

Funding for the project will come from system development charge revenue, which is collected from new development.

There is no planned additional work.

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